Harley Owners Group

Harley Owners Group® (H.O.G.)®

H.O.G. is the official riding club of Harley-Davidson® over one-million members strong, with more than 1400 chapters around the world.  H.O.G. is an organization founded and sponsored by Harley-Davidson Motor Company.  Established to offer motorcycling benefits and services to Harley-Davidson enthusiasts throughout the world, and develop a closer relationship between the Harley-Davidson rider, the Harley-Davidson dealership, and Harley-Davidson Motor Company.  

Each chapter is sponsored by a Harley-Davidson dealership.  It is offered to bring members together for the common interest of promoting motorcycling activities.  The intent of the Chapter is to “Ride and Have Fun” with like-minded individuals who have a passion for riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

You’ve made the commitment to ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.  Now let Harley Owners group give a little back.  H.O.G. gives you access to benefits designed exclusively for our members H.O.G. offers  a wide variety of member benefits, experiences and partnerships designed exclusively for members.  Check out H.O.G. Membership Benefits 

H.O.G. and Harley-Davidson are all about independence, freedom, and riding the open road.  If you love it too, we want you to join us.  

Visit us at www.hog.com to join our family and experience all the benefits H.O.G. has available to our members.   


Black Hills Chapter H.O.G. Social and Riding Opportunities

  • Embark on Tuesday evening dinner rides from May to October, with winter dinner outings by auto.
  • Enjoy various weekend rides throughout the season, group rides to Regional Rallies, and engage in the average mileage contest.
  • Join our monthly socials at Black Hills Harley-Davidson on the second Thursday of each month from October to April.
  • Don't miss the annual Black Hills Motorcycle Show and participate in meaningful events like shopping and wrapping gifts for the "Forgotten Elderly."
  • Attend our Membership Party and Membership Potluck, and seize special opportunities to be part of Harley-Davidson's presence during the Sturgis Rally.
  • Connect with like-minded Harley Davidson enthusiasts, share stories, and create lasting memories and friendships.